Here You Got To Know About That Why US Company Fires 2,700 Employees Through A Single Text Message….
US Company Fires 2,700 Employees Through A Text Message
Amid the layoff season in the United States, Silicon Valley, a Mississippi-based furniture company ahead of Thanksgiving, abruptly fired all of its 2,700 of its employees, according to multiple media reports. Employees were reportedly sent an email or a text message asking them to not come to work the next day…
When A Workplace Text Message Gave 2,700 People Twin Peaks’ “The owls are not what they seem”
“We are sorry to inform you, but due to business reasons your employment has been terminated. You will receive your final payment within (30) days,” read the company’s message in a text to employees that mass-fired 2,700 workers last December.
If you’ve never seen Twin Peaks, the title of this blog post might not make much sense.
For those of you who have seen the show, you’ll know that the phrase “the owls are not what they seem” is a pretty big deal.
In Twin Peaks, the phrase is used to describe the town’s biggest secret: that there are actually two worlds, and the owls are creatures that travel between them.
But what does this have to do with workplace text messages? Well, it turns out that sometimes a workplace text message can be just as cryptic as an owl.
Last week, I was working on a project with a colleague when I got a text from her that simply said “The owls are not what they seem.” At first, I thought she was just making a reference to Twin Peaks (which is one of my favorite shows), but then I realized that she was actually trying to tell me something about our project.
She was trying to say that we needed to look at things from a different perspective, and that we shouldn’t take everything at face value. It was a good reminder for me to always be open-minded and to question everything.
So, next time you get a mysterious workplace text message, don’t be too quick to dismiss it. It might just contain some hidden wisdom.
US Company Fires What Actually Happened….
The text message in question read simply: “The owls are not what they seem.”
It was sent out to employees of a company in Australia, who were immediately confused.
Many people thought it was a reference to the TV show Twin Peaks, which features a surreal mystery with elements of the supernatural.
Others weren’t sure what to think.
The message sparked a lively discussion among employees, with some trying to figure out what it could mean and others making jokes about it.
eventually, someone figured out that it was just a prank by one of the staff members. But even then, people couldn’t quite let it go and continued to discuss the meaning of the message long after the prankster had been revealed.
Company Motivation…
A recent study showed that people who receive workplace text messages are more engaged with their work and feel more connected to their company.
The study showed that people who receive workplace text messages are more likely to read and respond to them, and feel more connected to their company.
The study also found that people who receive workplace text messages are more likely to feel like they are part of a community, and feel more connected to their work.
This is because the text message gives them a sense of belonging and importance.
Text messaging is a powerful communication tool, and it can be used to improve employee engagement and connection.
If you want to create a sense of community at your workplace, consider sending out text messages that give employees a sense of ownership and importance.
Possible Reactions From the Public…
When the Twin Peaks-themed text message went out to employees of a Washington state marketing firm, the reaction from the public was swift and largely negative.
Many people thought the message was in poor taste, especially given the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas. Some called for a boycott of the company.
Others saw it as a harmless bit of fun and were quick to point out that Twin Peaks is, after all, just a TV show.
Still, it’s understandable why some people might have found the message unsettling. For many of us, work is a place to escape the stresses of our daily lives, not be reminded of them.
Benefits to the Company?
There are plenty of benefits to encouraging your employees to text each other at work. For one, it can help build team morale and communication.
It can also be a great way to stay connected with your employees and stay up-to-date on company news.
Texting can also help you keep track of projects and deadlines.
With everyone in the loop, you can avoid potential bottlenecks and confusion.
Plus, if something does come up, you can quickly resolve it without having to rely on email or phone calls.
It’s always interesting to see how businesses use text messaging to communicate with their employees.
In this case, it seems like a bit of fun was had at the expense of those who didn’t know about Twin Peaks.
Nevertheless, it’s a good reminder that we should all be careful about what we share over workplace text messages.
After all, you never know who might be reading them!